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paint in berlin

Learn to paint and discover berlin

You want to learn to draw and paint realistic and easily - here you are in the right place!
We dive into the diversity of the city and learn to paint and to draw on the spot in Berlin.

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Module 1 BASIC

Sundays 2-4 p.m.
Basic technics in drawing and painting for beginners. The lesson is €30, 5 lessons are €120.
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Module 2 ONLINE

fridays 6-8 p.m. Basics in painting and drawing in the online courses. The lesson is €30, 5 lessons are €120.
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Saturdays 12 a.m. - 4 p.m. Special topics for drawing and painting for beginners in the compact course. Participation is €75.
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Module 4 PRIVATE

Learn to draw in private lessons. Appointments by arrangement. The price for one lesson is €70, a package of 5 lessons is €300.
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Take part in the artist metropole

Make your own picture of the city, not digital, but handmade with paper, pencil and color,
simply unmistakable and individual like yourself!

Learn to draw and paint under professional guidiance in the middle of the city.

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Pictures and sketches that were created on the way in the city and in the cafes - drawn and painted on paper with pencil, charcoal, pastel chalk and watercolor or using mixed techniques:

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About "paint in berlin"

"Drawing is the art of walking strokes."
Paul Klee
The aim of the courses is to be able to draw our surroundings and situations with ease (urban scetching). For this you'll learn to develop the view for theessentials and to capture a situation with a few lines. We'll usually draw suitable motifs in changing locations and let ourselves be inspired by the diversity of Berlin. With professional guidance of Berlin artists, even demanding motifs can be put on paper. In module 1 we draw at different locations in Berlin, let ourselves be inspired and take our motifs from the immediate environment. Module 2 is held online throughout the year so that non-Berliners can also take part. The workshops in module 3 have different topics and each takes place once. Even beginners can start with painting and drawing by simple and comprehensible boarding aids.
Since we paint in small groups, the number of participants is limited. A timely registration is recommended!
Module 1 and Module 2 take place continuously and beginning is possible at any time.
Course packages (5 dates) can be redeemed within two months.

german version

Module 1 and 2: Individual appointments of 2 hours cost €30, the package of 5 appointments (recommended!) €120.
Course packages can be redeemed within two months.
Module 3: A workshop of 4 hours costs €75.

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Four different Modules:

Special offers

In addition to the regular courses, there are this offers on request:

example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 example 5 example 6 example 7 example 8 example 9

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For questions and more information please use the contact form.
Coupons and goup specials can be ordered and agreed personally.

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